Critical resources are more than just food

Critical resources are stored throughout Europe. Things we need in everyday life. Something is there in case it all goes wrong one day. But how can we protect the most important things we have? When the most precious things are also the most fragile – how easy is it to sleep well at night?
  • Trond-Øystein Bjørnnes

    CEO, Kiona



Critical resources

Among other things, we're talking about our food. For many store managers, the worry will always be there, like a buzzing noise in the background. A voice that never stops whispering: What if something goes wrong? What if it happens tonight? 

At Kiona, we're working to silence that voice — so you can feel more reassured. But not just for that reason. We view it as our social mission to help safeguard these resources. It's about the essential foods intended for people's homes and maintaining sufficient quality. And when we're able to protect that, we reduce both food waste and our climate impact. 

Guardians of the Ark 

Food isn't just stored in the shops. That's why we need to keep our eye on the ball throughout the value chain. Today we have both systems and people monitoring central warehouses throughout the continent. We ensure that food is never exposed to the wrong temperature – and we prevent waste wherever it can occur.  

And it doesn't stop with food. Medicine warehouses also rely on uncompromising monitoring to ensure vital medicines are not wasted. In fact, many medicines are far more temperature-sensitive than even food. Socially critical drugs require very specific storage conditions everywhere, from pharmacies in hospitals to large medicine warehouses.  

And in Svalbard, 1300 kilometers north of the polar circle, perhaps the holiest is located: The Global Seed Bank. The ark itself. "The doomsday vault." It is part of the last shield we hold in our hands there. We're pretty proud of that. 

Remote control in a time of crisis 

But the greatest non-conformance of all is this: The earth's temperature is all wrong. The alarm has gone off. Here we may not be able to do quite as much, but we can do something. We can arrange for you to control your building's energy consumption wherever you are. We need to end waste. Energy thieves need to be stopped. In addition, in times of crisis, the operations manager can put the building into 'hibernation.'  

That option to control systems remotely is essential. We have systems in place in both nursing homes and care homes. If a contractor or service partner is not allowed to travel there when something fails, they can deal with the non-conformance from their current location. And if they need advice, they may be among those who can get it from our alarm centre.  

Because there are heroes around who don't wear a cape or uniform. The people who monitor all these stocks of food and medicine – and even more secret things – 24 hours a day. Their job is to let you know the second something goes wrong.  

Together with our systems, they are the safety net for all those critical resources. 

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