Why you need a refrigeration maintenance schedule – and a daily task checklist

A cooling system requires regular maintenance to function optimally. When was the last time you serviced your refrigeration equipment? And what can you do yourself to extend the equipment's life? Follow this checklist and find a professional refrigeration crew among our Certified Partners.
  • Maria Sotberg




Utilize one of our Certified partners for your commercial refrigeration maintenance.
Utilize one of our Certified partners for your commercial refrigeration maintenance.

Refrigeration systems often have a critical function. They ensure that technology doesn't overheat and that food and pharmaceuticals aren't destroyed. Preventative maintenance is essential to help avoid common problems and breakdowns and to keep your equipment working reliably for years to come. 

The general recommendation is to service your refrigeration or freezer system twice a year. We always recommend using a professional cooling company.

In some cases, regular service and maintenance of cooling systems and heat pumps may be required by law. Ensuring that the system meets all relevant requirements is essential. In addition to complying with applicable laws and regulations, it's important that you also meet new environmental requirements. A professional refrigeration company can help you with this.

In addition to having a professional crew and regular service agreement, there are several things you can do yourself to keep your equipment in the best possible condition all year round.

Refrigeration maintenance checklist: tasks you can tackle yourself

Let's take a look at tasks you should perform on a daily or weekly basis:

Keep equipment clean:Timely cleaning safeguards against odors and mold, ensuring the safety and quality of stored items. Avoid using steel wool or harsh chemicals, such as bleach, as they can damage your appliance's finish.
Monitor temperature settings:Regularly check and adjust temperature and defrost frequency settings. Make sure that the temperature isn't set lower than necessary; this will only make your system work harder.
Defrost on schedule:Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for defrosting. More often than not, people are too eager. Defrosting your unit too often creates unnecessary strain on your refrigerator.
Prevent overcrowding:Adequate airflow is essential for the unit to operate efficiently. A tightly packed refrigerator hampers air circulation, forcing the unit to work harder to maintain its set temperature.
Maximize airflow around the unit:Ensure there's sufficient space around your refrigerator for proper airflow. Avoid blocking air intake and exhaust vents, as this can lead to increased energy consumption and premature system failure.
Inspect and fix seals:Regularly inspect door gaskets for tears or looseness. Repair minor gasket leaks with silicone caulk and secure door hinges and latches. Perform this check monthly to maintain a tight seal.

Trust the professionals

A service can involve several different tasks, depending on the size and complexity of the system. Even if you have pretty good knowledge, many jobs are best left to the professionals.

Our Certified Partners are well-versed in cooling technology, and many offer both predefined service agreements and customized services according to your needs.

If you find it difficult to remember to book service at certain times, a service agreement can be the perfect solution. Many of our partners also have a 24-hour on-call service should anything unforeseen occur.

What does a service agreement typically involve?

  • Cleaning of filters and components.
  • Checking the refrigerant and possible refilling, as well as testing the quality of the refrigerant.
  • Check components like fans, condensers, evaporators, thermostats, and valves.
  • Inspection of compressors and motor operation.
  • Lubrication and adjustment of components to ensure optimal performance.
  • Checking electrical components and wiring, connections, and grounding.
  • Inspection of pipes and insulation to ensure they are not leaking and that they are sufficiently insulated to avoid heat loss.
  • Testing of safety features, such as low-pressure and high-pressure protection, to ensure the system is operating safely and securely.

Why you need a maintenance plan

Most issues that affect your refrigeration system will make it work harder, leading to more repairs and higher electricity costs. An ignored problem can result in a costly breakdown when you can least afford it. 

In addition to servicing, a professional company will be up to date on environmental requirements and new technology. They also often help improve the operation of cooling systems to reduce energy consumption. For example, refrigeration systems always generate heat. Why not reuse the heat and save energy? 

It's always smart to have a professional regularly inspect your equipment for signs of trouble and prevent problems before they turn into breakdowns.

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