How can we overcome skyrocketing energy prices?

With the green shift wanting us all to drive eco-friendly cars and make our buildings smart, energy is essential. Yet, what do you do when the price of power increases? Here are our tricks for holding your bills in check!
  • Maria Sotberg


  • Ståle Eriksen




Overcome skyrocketing energy prices
Photo by Scott Webb on Pexels

Warm buildings, good ventilation, hot water, immediate lighting, and great coffee – energy means a lot to us. It keeps technologies running and indoor climates pleasant, and all require power. 

While experts continue to predict that energy charges will rise – it seems to leave many of us facing cloudy times in the future. Our heating systems also work a little extra as the weather gets colder. And if you're reaching summertime, our cooling systems must push a bit more.

Good interplay can slash bills

We must eradicate "power thieves" and keep power loads under control to stop the electricity bills from running wild.

"Controlling the interplay between cooling and heating is worth its weight in gold when it comes to reducing bills, as well as controlling the related automatic systems. Control prevents money being thrown out of the window with the various sources of heating and cooling working against each other," says Ståle Eriksen, Key Account Manager at Kiona.  

He adds that many "obvious things" aren't discovered until it's too late.

"Monitoring systems manually requires masses of attention. The to-do list is often long. Having control of all the various systems' cloud-configured' means there is no need to worry. When it's minus 20 outside, air conditioning and cooling won't be running. Heating and snow-melting systems won't be on in the middle of summer."

Power tricks that work

Control systems use logic and fixed threshold values to interpret incoming operating data and use them to adjust temperatures, start/stop equipment and smooth out power curves. They do this primarily before we users would notice anything.

We set up rules to enable all connected systems to work "smarter". They then optimize, streamline and proactively give notifications of adjustments that can save energy.

Ståle EriksenKey Account Manager, Kiona

Implementing measures that affect costs requires timely data.

"We set up rules to enable all connected systems to work 'smarter.' They then optimize, streamline and proactively give notifications of adjustments that can save energy. This means direct savings on the bill," Eriksen explains. 

Reduce energy consumption with efficient control

Naturally enough, the length of use and the power demanded by technical equipment affect how much energy we consume. Yet, if we are not aware of how much energy we are using, we can't know if we are underperforming or if it's possible to improve.

Electrical devices often present heavy power loads when they are heating. Fortunately, we do not have to run our coffee makers for long periods. Other small things can also help cut consumption. Examples include turning off unnecessary lights, heating via cooling systems' surplus heat (rather than electricity), and using some time/need/weather-report controlled ventilation.

"It's not just these things either. Intelligent control of installations also makes life easier for any building's technical crew. Faults can be detected sooner and time spent on more important things." "Again, without having to worry too much about the bills, energy-efficient control still gives us good, warm buildings in the middle of winter. With a little luck, we can also leave our extra sweaters in their drawers a little longer," concludes Eriksen.

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