SÖE Konsult only recommends what provides the most benefit

Ensuring that building owners and industries get the best possible digital infrastructure is not easy. There are many systems on the market, and selecting the one that provides the most benefits is challenging. SÖE Konsult is on the customer's side and helps to set requirements – and only recommends what they have tested and verified.



Johan Geiborg, founder of SÖE Konsult, working on a customers digital infrastructure in Web Port.
Photo: SÖE Konsult AB

It can be challenging to create compatible software that provides advice so that the system owner can make strategic business decisions. That's where SÖE Konsult comes in, guiding building owners to automation solutions that help them achieve financial and climate goals.

SÖE Konsult AB

SÖE Konsult was founded in 2019 and aims to provide the market with automation solutions. With extensive experience, they help their customers with everything from software development to technical project management of automation systems.

"We help property owners and industries set requirements for digital infrastructure, where the OT solutions (Operational technology) are connected to the company's IT system. We ensure a common thread between sensor and data platform," says Johan Geiborg, founder of SÖE Konsult.

He thinks that many customers have difficulty getting a solution presented in an informative way by contractors today. They try to act as an independent party that evaluates different software and applications without any preferences regarding the systems they recommend.

We always take the side of the system owner and represent the person who will use the system. We recommend the systems that are best suited to different contexts, and we test and verify that they are sound systems that actually create the most benefit.

Johan GeiborgFounder of SÖE Konsult

Securing the best digital infrastructure for customers

Part of the job is to closely dialog with the building owner throughout the process, from the request about what the system should do to setting requirements in procurement and implementation, and make sure that the thoughts they had beforehand are also carried out and match the end result.  

Along the way, you test things and make sure it's the best solution. You can set up APIs for the interfaces that create a common thread in the chain of reliable data. Those who work at SÖE Konsult have a background in IT as software developers and programmers or have worked with development in real estate and industrial automation.

"We verify that it is the best solution and do not set requirements by simply believing something," says Johan Geiborg, who explains that the main reason customers hire them is that they create control throughout the process and verify the data that the systems generate.

The customers include several major real estate companies such as Vasakronan, Örebrobostäder (ÖBO), Helsingborgshem, Rikshem, Uppsalahem, and Higab. Among other things, SÖE is involved in ÖBO's exciting energy-sharing project in Örebro's Tamarinden district. They have set requirements for designing an information platform to visualize the area's energy flow system independently.

Digitalization needs to be a long-term plan

There are many good digital initiatives and pilots, but fewer succeed in maintaining their ambitions over time. Projects often depend on individuals, and initiatives fall apart if the person leaves.

"The key to a successful digital journey is for the board and management team to adopt a company-wide plan, regardless of who is employed in the company. It should include the entire company so that everyone understands why they are digitalizing, and the unique project decisions made should be in line with the company's goals and ambitions."

Among the companies that invest wholeheartedly, several of them have come a long way on their digital journey, and the "hot" thing now, according to Johan, is to take advantage of all the data that comes from the systems and create even more systems benefits with the help of AI.

By transferring data from the building into an IT environment, you want to utilize AI's analytical ability to make decisions using machine learning and self-learning algorithms. In this way, the building system or machine in question is optimized using its own data and that of the outside world.

Scalable and flexible building automation solutions are important

Before, many suppliers and contractors wanted to create optimization functions and systems locally. Now, it is about doing the "right" optimization locally to create scalability in the systems. They also want more flexibility in choosing which AI providers or services to use.

"AI services are becoming so common that customers want to be able to replace one AI provider with another based on pricing models, what is most profitable, and what control works best for them. Therefore, it is very important for companies that the digital infrastructure is scalable."

As an impartial consultant, SÖE collaborates with us, which means that they evaluate, analyze, and recommend our solutions, including Web Port and Energinetwhen it fits and makes the most sense for the customer.

Currently, Kiona's system has a very good balance between what they do themselves and what they enable contractors and consultants to do on their own. As a player, you can work very independently in their applications. This creates few lock-in effects.

Johan Geiborg

SÖE has been working with Web Port for a long time and appreciates the possibility of interfaces and communication possibilities with other systems to create efficient and functional digital infrastructures for customers. Energinet is a newer application, and the hope is that it will show the energy monitoring clearly and visualize it in the same concrete way as Web Port does.